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Retrofit von Großmaschinen

WEMA VOGTLAND Technology GmbH also uses its knowledge and experience as a manufacturer-independent provider for overhaul and retrofit in the field of large machines. After all, the larger a machine, the more economical a modernization is compared to a new investment.
For example, when purchasing a new large machine, the high foundation costs must be taken into account in addition to the machine price. With a retrofit, the customer receives a machine as good as new at the current technical level for lower costs, which at the same time fits into his existing layout. Conversions such as a bed extension for more X-axis travel are also part of our offer.

WEMA VOGTLAND offers you the complete range of services, regardless of the machine brand.

  • Replacement of wear components such as bearings, guide rails, wipers...
  • Overhaul of peripherals such as coolant system, chip conveyor, enclosure...
  • Overhaul of gearboxes, motors, pumps, lubrication, hydrostatics...
  • Control conversions including new drive technology, control cabinets, control system...
  • Implementation incl. new fixators
  • Conversions such as bed extensions, stand raisers...
  • Advice on the creation of foundations, if a new foundation is required
  • Maintenance & repair offers
  • Retrofitting Industry 4.0 sensor technology with Retrofit Package RP 4.0

As part of the GLOBAL RETOOL GROUP, WEMA VOGTLAND draws on an extensive network of expertise within its own group of companies and sees itself as a solution provider from a single source.

Our competencies in detail:

  • Actual state analysis, project management
  • Construction Mechanics / Electrics / Software & Hardware
  • Control cabinet construction
  • Production of small / medium-sized parts for workpieces up to 20 tons / 6,000mm in length
  • Procurement of large parts from renowned contract manufacturers
  • Installation / Commissioning
  • Service / Spare Parts / Geometric Control

Your benefits:

  • Restoring or increasing productivity and efficiency
  • Greater ease of use
  • Shorter delivery times compared to new purchases
  • Lower costs compared to new purchases
  • Reuse of proven components
  • Ensuring the supply of spare parts
Austausch verschlissener Komponenten

Colgar Bohrwerk Baujahr 1999

Umsetzung und X-Bett Verlängerung

  • X-Bett Verlängerung von 7.000mm auf 10.000mm
  • Umsetzung in neue Halle
  • Fixatoren vorab vergießen
  • Null-Punkt-Spannsystem für zwei Positioniertische

WFL M65/3000

Steuerungsumbau SIEMENS 840 D PL auf SL


  • GRG America
  • GRG Europe - Welding
  • GRG Europe - SIEPMANN